PCCP has been operating in an advisory capacity on an ad hoc basis to several of our strategic partners since the Firm’s inception. PCCP’s experience includes:
- PCCP was engaged as advisor to analyze and replace asset level debt with a mix of secured portfolio and unsecured platform financing. The new facilities better align leverage with the client’s asset strategy and improve client control of its financings.
- PCCP is an active lender, owner and operator of transitional real estate, and its experience spans multiple cycles.
- PCCP was selected to step in as a replacement general partner to two real estate mezzanine debt funds during the GFC and tasked with restructuring problem assets and financing to maximize the return of capital to investors.
PCCP advises institutional investors on their debt strategies as well as strategy financings and JVs.
- PCCP offers a full range of services available, from initial analysis through closing, and then asset management services post-closing.
- More than $2B of transactions to date.